Ronda Rousey Asks For A Re-Match In An I-Quit-March
We all remember how Ronda Rousey lost to Charlotte Flair at the Wrestlemania 38 match right? She took her eyes off the prize for a tiny little bit by getting up to wake the referee up, so he could see that Charlotte was tapping out to her, and that she Ronda had won the match. Unfortunately, that action left her open for Charlotte to deliver her Big Boot, and retain her championship. On Friday night SmackDown, on April 8, 2022, in an interview with Kayla, Ronda Said "I'm all sore. I got screwed. I tapped out Charlotte and the ref didn't see it," Rousey said "I was trying to wake up the ref, Charlotte tried to ambush me from behind. What a world. Charlotte cheated. I should have been ready for a cheater. There should be no amount of cheating that can beat me, that's how good I have to be." While still in the interview, Charlotte interrupted her just to laugh and call herself the better woman. In that moment, Ronda issued a rematch challenge to Charlotte...